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In the Booth with Ruth – Rebecca Mott, Exited Prostituted Woman and Abolitionist

Rebecca Mott

How did you become involved in supporting the abolition of prostitution? 

I first started campaigning for abolition of prostitution after the murders of several prostitutes in Ipswich. That was very triggering for me, but at the time, I was unclear why. I was very angry, incessant with rage, for it seemed that the media is, and was, only interested in the murders of the prostituted when it is in connection with the sensation of a serial killer. When I started my blog, it was with unclear memories and feelings, and of knowing that most murdered prostituted women and girls are never recorded – they just vanish from existence. It is to those disappeared that my motivation to fight for abolition is founded on. I am sick of the vast majority of the prostituted being made into sub-human in life, and in death, being made to vanish.

I also became an abolitionist because I did indoors prostitution from aged fourteen to twenty-seven, and know the violence and hate that it is the foundation of all aspects of prostitution. I write to show how in indoors prostitution, punters are paying mainly to be as sadistic as they want without consequences. Punters are paying for the privacy which gives them more time to pour their violence into the prostitute’s mind and body. She is his property, so has no rights or access to full humanity.

What draws you to support and advocate for people in prostitution?

I choose to fight for the prostituted class for I believe it is vital for exited prostituted women to take hold of the leadership of the abolition movement.

I believe deeply that for many centuries the words and views of the prostituted class has been forced into silence, mainly because the ‘history’ of prostitution has been made in the interest of the profiteers of the sex trade. This means that any language of the prostituted that shows any form of discontent, or that seeks a path to full humanity, is censored. The only language that is allowed to be public is the voice of the ‘happy hooker’ – which is the voice of the pimp and the voice of the punter.

I want the multiple voices of the vast majority of the prostituted to rise to the top, the voices of a whole class that has been enslaved and silenced. One way this can happen is through pushing to the forefront of the abolition movement the multiple voices of exited women who know the real face of the sex trade.

What does your work in the abolition movement involve? 

I write a blog – This is a campaigning blog, but also explores the impact of trauma after prostitution.

I use the blog to have connections with exited women on an international scale, and to reach out to exited women who are dealing with extreme trauma. I try to offer support, for there is so little external and long-term support for exited women. I try to do this with self-care, because I live with trauma as my shadow all the time.

A very important aspect of my blog is to explore how extreme trauma is after long-term prostitution. I am exploring that many exited women have fragmented memories, often with many years wiped away. I explore how trauma is a releasing of buried emotions, after most prostituted women think they are dead inside – a shell without access to human emotions.

I write to my pain, I write to my fury, I write into my confusion. In that way, I use my blog as one path back to my humanity.

To regain humanity for the prostituted, I believe it is vital to say in plain words what punters and profiteers do to our bodies and minds. This means that exited women should be in control of the language and concepts of what it is to be inside prostitution, which may mean being graphic or not being afraid to be confused or vulnerable.

I also give talks and go to conferences to spread the reality of being prostituted. I always speak for real change, not just to be a token prostituted woman who is allowed to speak and then everyone can return to apathy. I will speak if I was made into a pet – I will not be made sub-human again.

What legal improvements or changes would help to abolish prostitution? 

I think it is important to start with having the Nordic approach. This makes it criminal to buy and sell the prostituted, whilst decriminalising the prostituted, and providing exiting projects. That is only a start to giving back the prostituted class full humanity and dignity.

We must speak in the language of human rights, and not the language of labour rights when speaking of prostitution. It is not ‘sex work’. It is slavery and torture.

Laws should be framed to acknowledge that each time a prostitute is bought, then the prostitute has no access to the language of consent or right to say no. That is rape, so each purchase of a prostitute is an act of violence in and of itself. We should not wait until the punter says it is wrong.

We must have longer sentences for all those who profiteer from prostitution, for they are allowing the prostituted to be made into goods, and giving permission for any sadism to be done to their property.

What are your plans for the future? 

I spend many hours thinking of plans, and hope that some of them happen.

I was exploring how much of prostitution is torture, and how it fits into the framing of non-state torture.

I feel it is vital to spread the word of how internal trafficking is made invisible, or it is made that girls who are internally trafficked are blamed and told it is their choice to be a prostitute.

I am exploring how violence done to the prostituted is made normal, when it is viewed as outrageous when done to the non-prostituted women and girls. I am interested in how gang rapes are made normal inside the sex trade, and outside the sex trade are viewed as vile degradation.

I would love to have more connect with exited women outside of the net, maybe in the future have an English meeting/conference for only exited women.

Recommended websites/further reading: 

I highly recommend reading Survivors Connect – and finding their multiple voices of exited women.

About Ruth Jacobs (296 Articles)
Author of Soul Destruction: Unforgivable, a novel exposing the dark world and harsh reality of life as a drug addicted call girl. The main storyline is based loosely on events from my own life. In addition to fiction writing, I am also involved in journalism and broadcasting, primarily for human rights campaigning in the areas of sex workers' rights, anti-sexual exploitation and anti-human trafficking.

8 Comments on In the Booth with Ruth – Rebecca Mott, Exited Prostituted Woman and Abolitionist

  1. Reblogged this on Soul Destruction – London Call Girl Diary & Book and commented:

    Rebecca Mott entered into prostitution at the age of fourteen (75% of women involved in prostitution started as children). Now, decades later and exited, she is an abolitionist who shares openly about the torture and rape that was her norm. “We must speak in the language of human rights, and not the language of labour rights when speaking of prostitution. It is not ‘sex work’. It is slavery and torture.”

  2. Women must unite. It seems we are ignoring one very basic fact – men are responsible for the overwhelming majority of crimes against humanity. This means women naturally choose peacefulness and nurturing but women are often victimized. That doesn’t mean that men are not victimized also on other terms. What if we were to build a nation-wide women’s movement? I believe it is going to take women as the sole holders of power to cure the ills of the world. Testosterone and power brings up too high a probability of existential danger. Women have earned the right to govern. Besides men have had the floor long enough and look where they’re brought humanity.

  3. I have just listened to Four Thought and heard Rebecca Mott give an eloquent and thought provoking presentation on the lives and lows of the prostituted. It has changed my way of thinking forever and now understand more of their plight. I wish her all the best in her campaigning and can say that words do make a difference.

  4. Jenny Geddes // May 11, 2014 at 1:49 am // Reply

    This woman is entering the debate with all the anger of the abused and none of the rational, objective approach which the topic demands.

    Most feminist campaigners dipping in to this subject wilfully and wickedly conflate the abuse of sex trafficking with the practice of selling sexual services, which has gone on since the dawn of time and will never be stamped out. All their misguided efforts will produce is a situation where the trade is driven underground, into the “protection” of the pimps and placing sex workers in danger.

    The late Margo MacDonald (MSP), a very wise and pragmatic woman, was very supportive of the rights and dignity of those women and men who choose to make their living in such a manner and who have every right to enjoy their lifestyle, free of the imposition of the views of narrow-minded bigots. No harm, no crime.

    Where there is exploitation and misery, by all means tackle it – and over the past decade, sex slavery has not been tackled by the police except in a very superficial manner. However, in terms of those who choose, from free will and preference, to indulge in sexual transactions, it is absolutely nobody’s business except those involved, if conducted consensually, behind closed doors.

    Campaigners like Rebecca Mott and feminist MP Fiona Mactaggart should avoid seeking to impose their own prejudices on other people. That is fascism. How very new labour. The Taliban would be proud.

  5. Jacqueline G Bowles // May 11, 2014 at 7:06 pm // Reply

    I heard Rebecca Mott on Fourthought n Radio 4 at 5.45 am as I woke this morning (Sunday May11 2014). Her story and explanation of prostitution involving torture – this is the first time I have ever heard anyone speak like this and it is so important.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you Rebecca. I saw your blog you were nervous. Well you were wonderful. Please let me give you some strength.

    My words are inadequate, my story is nothing like Rebecca’s but I want to link up with her story. I am 68 and when I was 50 I discovered as a result of a network of people all around me dropping hints/acting out stuff etc and finally me asking my brother and sister that sexual abuse had been/is present in my family. It made sense in a crazy way of the weirdness of my family and of how they treated me (psychological abuse). I recognise that although I have no conscious memory of being abused I probably was when a baby or when asleep/drugged. But I was a child whistleblower and that left me isolated.

    For the next 15 years I struggled with this knowledge and its impact. I became estranged from my family. I freaked out. When I attempted to talk about it to people I knew – I believe they have all been involved – they went silent on me or made out it had been dealt with, that it was ok. This continues. (I went when freaking out to 6 different GPs over 10 years. They all went silent on me. I finally found a consultant – Gordon Turnbull and after seeing him privately my GP’s finally started treating me a bit more helpfully.) I found out about multiple personality disorder which seems to be all around me and freaks me out (Gordon Turnbull said “its not a disorder its a condition”).

    I am now able to talk a bit about it as part of “normal” conversation when I feel its necessary to refer to it.

    But the silence remains. I believe that the silence is coupled with rigid controlling behaviour towards me by those badly abused which makes my life very limited, very difficult, no family, no social life, just one friend and sexual partner who I believe was abused as a child (and probably went on to abuse) but he remains totally silent about it if I talk about it. Rebecca, your talk has moved my thinking on by miles about this controlling behaviour.

    For two years I was a city councillor sitting on committees involved in health and social care. Whenever issues around sexual abuse came up the council staff and my colleagues just couldn’t deal with it. Their tongues seemed to be tied. To a very limited extent I tried to keep them talking but with little success.

    Worse still, when I started as a Councillor a weird attempt was made (which failed) to get me to front up some funding (£150,000) for a therapy/treatment etc programme for perpetrators. This happened without me being given any information about the programme. I tried and tried to get information and no-one would give me any. The funding went through.. More silence.

    We needed to hear the power of Rebecca’s narrative and horror stories to stop us brushing sexual abuse matters aside. Your words are so powerful Rebecca, everyone needs to hear them and everyone needs to understand the mental health implications.

    Thank you, thank you again, Rebecca, please, please, keep talking. I find it very hard to do so when it results in silence responses. But I will keep trying.

4 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Campaigner Ruth Jacobs: ‘Part of the Solution to Ending Human Trafficking is Raising Awareness’ - Expats Post
  2. Human Trafficking Awareness month – Ruth Jacobs Interviews « Scottish Coalition Against Sexual Exploitation
  3. In the Booth with Ruth – DublinCallGirl | Ruth Jacobs
  4. Abolition de la prostitution : l’Europe et ses survivantes sous le regard du monde | Remember, resist, do not comply

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