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Taking Ideology to the Streets: Sex Work and How to Make Bad Things Worse

As I make her a cup of hot chocolate and count out free condoms, Dana takes a seat, tells me about last night. She waited on the streets for hours, frequently changing location in order to avoid police attention. The boyracers were out as usual, yelling abuse and throwing eggs as they sped by.... Gradually, the few remaining clients wore her down, and she agreed to do business with them for less than the usual price. She was out so long that she missed her hostel’s curfew and had to stay out...


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Policing Prostitution – The Merseyside Hate Crime Model That Prioritises Protection of Sex Workers

This joined-up approach prioritising protection over enforcement enables women in the sex trade to feel safe reporting crimes committed against them. Because trusting relationships with the police have been developed, reporting of crimes has dramatically increased. Women in prostitution in Merseyside know when they call the police they will be treated as any other victim of crime...



FREE eBook: ‘Life’ a Short Crime Story

Max’s criminal career has been going downhill since it began when he was sixteen on an armed robbery job with his father. Now in his mid-forties, he’s spent more time in jail than on criminal endeavours and he’s...


In the Booth – Musicians

In the Booth – Artists

Soul Destruction

  • In the spring of 1997, Shelley Hansard, a call girl who tries to live by the Golden Rule, finds herself in a suite at The Lanesborough Hotel with a dead client. Her fear of becoming a murder suspect pushes her deeper into addiction. Heroin costs her more than money and crack induces psychosis – seeing and hearing people others can’t. As an intravenous user, her desirability as a top London call girl is waning and the skills required to keep up her multiple personas are weakening. Among her few friends and what remains of her broken family, she struggles to maintain her wall of lies: Shelley’s Anti-Heroin Front friends, Nicole and Tara, don’t know she has a habit, and her Aunt Elsie and her recluse mother, Rita, believe she works in Foxtons estate agency. After a cocaine binge [...]