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In the Booth with Ruth – Aurora Morealist, Author

Aurora Morealist

What’s your writing background? When did you begin writing and what inspired you? 

In first grade I raised my hand excitedly and fairly yelled at the teacher, “I know what I am going to do when I grow up, I’m going to make books!” This was the result of seeing how powerful even the Dick and Jane readers can be for a whole class full of people, like witnessing magic it was. While holding day jobs for income over the years, I managed to earn a few writing awards for slice-of-life fiction and poetry, the two genres I love best to write. Inspiration comes from human nature and Mother Nature. As for the act of writing, I don’t write because I want to, I write because I must. Should writing ever cease for me, I am certain breathing will too. Writing saved my life. 

How often do you write? And how do you manage to fit in writing among other commitments? 

Fitting writing in was once a problem with full time and part time jobs (concurrently) as well as volunteering (lay counsellor, boards of directors, animal rescue) but somehow the writing happens even when I may not be. Once I awoke in the night, wrote a story in fifteen minutes, didn’t alter it and it placed second in a literary contest. I just never know where or when it will spill out of me. I wrote all over my bedroom walls at age thirteen, flourishy poetics in the hand I’d morphed from my mother’s beautiful penmanship to my own artsy style – now people pay for that – who knew! I try to write something daily but it is not always a result I want to share. Some days I simply cannot even write but share older works in the hope my loyal subscribers won’t abandon me.

In which genre do you most enjoy writing? 

Fiction, slice-of-life fiction, it is the most challenging by far. Poetry seems to spring out unbidden but writing fiction and doing it well is very hard work. Still learning as I grow. 

What draws you to write in that genre? 

My most memorable reads were from that genre; Margaret Laurence’s “The Diviners” in which Christie Logan the town garbage man says of multiple liquor bottles (TRIGGER  WARNING): “aborted babies or still warm food: By the Jesus, ya know people by their garbage, ya do.” He also told the protagonist Morag what he wanted on his headstone: “He Meant Well”. For some reason this book is as vivid to me as when I read it though Paula Sharp, Cathy Pelletier, Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, John Irving, Timothy Findley, Alistair MacLeod,  Jack Hodgins, Ann-Marie MacDonald, Alice Munro, Dorothy Allison, Mary McGarrity, Jane Smiley, Wally Lamb and so many more fine writers out there spring to mind I haven’t life enough to include all their names here, it would take me forever. 

Can you tell me about your current project(s)?  

SPIRITSHINE is a book of verse resulting from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. When I was plunged into the depths of PTSD, I really was alone with nothing and no one safe to turn to. Thanks to counselling and her working with me to find one thing to get up for daily, I reconnected with my writing and while I haven’t written well and I know it, this book of verse now available today is the evidence that art saves lives. Without writing, I am sure I would not even be here. The contents of the book may not be everyone’s cup of tea and as I said I was often not fit to write well, still often am not, but the underlying message of raising awareness for Mental Health Week and the proof that art saves lives is the message behind the effort. Blogging on keeps me connected to the art of writing as and when I can. The book was meant to be free but the site won’t let me do that – big surprise. So I have tried to price it low enough to make it affordable to all and yet know it will not be because, like me, so many haven’t a single penny to spare. I hope they will visit my blog where many of the works originated and find some soulful resonance or comfort there. 

Aurora SpiritshineWhat are your writing plans for the future? 

This instant, I have none. To just keep writing is all I know to do. Dreaming of another book some day, work of fiction but that is a… so far… distant dream I hope to one day visit. 

Where can people find out more about you? 

I’m on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Pinterest and my blog at:

Mostly my blog and Facebook, though, I find I just can’t take too much online stimulation or I have to rest my eyes and mind for hours as both hurt from it. Still. Hoping one day to share again and so appreciate all the love and support from so many corners of the world. Often lament the trappings of the online socializing world but loving that we can use the world wide connections for goodness, to achieve things in ways we never thought possible. This interview for instance, thank you so much, Ruth, so honoured to be your guest. 

About Ruth Jacobs (296 Articles)
Author of Soul Destruction: Unforgivable, a novel exposing the dark world and harsh reality of life as a drug addicted call girl. The main storyline is based loosely on events from my own life. In addition to fiction writing, I am also involved in journalism and broadcasting, primarily for human rights campaigning in the areas of sex workers' rights, anti-sexual exploitation and anti-human trafficking.

16 Comments on In the Booth with Ruth – Aurora Morealist, Author

  1. Reblogged this on The ObamaCrat™ and commented:
    I’ve been following Ms. Morealist’s blog for a couple of years, great post Ms. Ruth.

  2. So LOVE LOVE LOVE the job you did of this, Ruth!!! So professional and ethical – people should hire you to do their interviews, too many alter what we answer for their own agendas. Love this. And you. Thank you so much for sharing and for being you. Much love ❤ ❤ ❤

  3. A great interview – it’s always fascinating to learn more about a friend – well done Aurora and keep smiling

  4. Wonderful. It’s great to learn more about Aurora and this interview gives her a great platform to share with us what she has learned. I am so grateful to have her in my life x

    • Christy, you have watched me struggle… you know the blackness that can seize my psyche unanticipated… thank you for being you and for being grateful for our connection. It is hearts like yours, Ruth’s and John’s that keep me writing … or at least wanting to… much love ❤ ❤ ❤

  5. Reblogged this on Aurora Morealist and commented:
    Ruth is so good at what she does… love her… thank you, Ruth ❤ ❤ ❤

  6. Excellent post! I have been following Aurora Morealist for ….. ever, before I knew who she was or what she was about, every time I read something she writes or shares I learn about the person, and people. Today I learned more of what I already knew. She is stronger than she she knows and educates people about things they rather not know exist, her writing draws people in and whether they like it or not they want to learn more and are forever changed with her words.
    I am honored to “know” her and pleased to see her get the recognition she deserves.
    I am now following here and will be back. I like what this blog stands for.

  7. Great read and keep it up.

  8. Great trip back in time…to the wee years. I remember a similar time with Dick and Jane. At a particular time I grasped how to read much faster than my classmates. I took the book home and read the rest in an hour. Next, I devoured On Cherry Street in school day, returning the next day to complain to the teacher that Jane had no character and that the plot was weak…lol

  9. Nice interview. It made me think, I might have to do a bit of this, or not. I don’t know. I’m glad you keep writing, because, as you know, I love your words

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