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In the Booth with Ruth – Lori Adorable, Sex Worker and Sex Worker Rights Advocate

January 15, 2014 // 18 Comments

You can argue all day over whether the sex industry is harmful to women as a whole and workers in particular, but you can’t argue with the studies that show the Swedish model allows violence against sex workers to continue. You also can’t argue the fact that, were it to succeed, sex workers would simply find themselves unemployed. So clients may be ‘punished’, but the workers will be punished as well. If you want to help those in the sex trades who don’t want to be there, provide more options. Provide alternatives. Don’t just take this one option away.

Niki Adams of the English Collective of Prostitutes Discusses Decriminalisation & the Merseyside Model

September 11, 2013 // 11 Comments

"Since 1975, the International Prostitutes Collective has been campaigning for the abolition of the prostitution laws which criminalize sex workers and our families, and for economic alternatives and higher benefits and wages. No woman, child or man should be forced by poverty or violence into sex with anyone. We provide information, help and support to individual prostitute women and others who are concerned with sex workers’ human, civil, legal and economic rights."

Child trafficking survivor & advocate, David Zimmerman, speaks out about child sex abuse images on Facebook

July 13, 2013 // 10 Comments

Facebook could start by including better options for reporting violations of policy and criminal activity. There could be direct links to appropriate agencies for the range of crimes committed online, from child sexual abuse images and trafficking to cyber stalking and bullying. Facebook could employ a moderator system that allows faster detection and timely responses. There could be an active law enforcement presence...

In the Booth with Ruth – Gabriella Apicella, Screenwriter

July 11, 2013 // 2 Comments

I strongly believe that film is one of the most powerful tools for communication, and when iconic images stand in for real-world complexity this can reduce anything to stereotype. So much so that prostitution is all too frequently romanticised as in ‘Pretty Woman’, or demonised as in ’Monster’...

The Merseyside Model Saves Lives – so why is it not being rolled out nationally? | Impolite Conversation

July 8, 2013 // 13 Comments

Not making the hate crime approach the national standard for people in prostitution is a hate crime in itself while women are being beaten, raped and murdered as the state looks the other way... If a particular policing approach was known to be achieving a 67% conviction rate for those who rape people in society in general, and yet it was only being used in one part of the country, there would be public uproar.